hi my name is jackson. im a gay dude (he/him). this is the first website i have coded myself after tinkering around with templates and open source scripts on neocities for like half a year or so. its quite barren but i imagine if i can keep this going, it will accumulate over time. my only two hopes in this world are to firstly live a life in humility to christ regardless of any outside factors that other people believe "stunt" my faith, and secondly to live life entirely and sincerely. i do want to find love one day but im not really concerned about that yet. im pretty sure i have the resources to go to art school and be a fashion designer which i am really thankful for, so thats the goal right now. ive sewn a few things and wholeheartedly intend to pursue it even further. i want to make things, monuments to emotions and love. thats what we do when our bodies cant internally handle the feelings anymore amirite? i guess there are some people who keep that bottled up inside and dont do anything about it until an inevitable explosion (midlife crisis) but that aint my style. my favorite color is pink. i like britney spears. i don't have a favorite animal because all of them are equally precious.

abt rym: since most of you are coming from rym i figure i might explain my presence more, since i get asked a bunch of questions and people are generally confused about my aesthetics, or what im all about etc. im gonna omit most details so i don't get too histrionic and melodramatic about my sad gay anime backstory but i signed up for rym because i listened to sophie once and just had this swelling desire to uncover other music that made me feel better like hers did. i still havent found anything with quite as much sentimental value to me, but i became a much happier and less self-lacerating person after only like a month! ive realized its just because music discovery fills this void that schoolwork used to before covid happened and i got all unmotivated, and so up until rym i was just kinda floating around in a buncha anxiety n stuff. reason im on here a lot is just because its a fixed thing i can set my mind to, and it helps me get through life without being a hindrance to anything i have going on irl! basically my aesthetic inspirations are just anything that brings me textural and visual joy, but im mostly concerned with harajuku fashion, 2000s aesthetics, natural oddities and beauties, technology, portraits and shiny things. i don't genre vote anymore btw.

ps: blogs are meant to be self-indulgent and intemperate. that's the charm.